Check out the latest MSRC Clean Air Roadmap eNews where you can learn about the new MSRC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair Dan York and some of his vision for supporting the MSRC’s mission. You can also learn about the spring workshops the MSRC recently hosted throughout Southern California to gather stakeholder input on its new Work Program development process for 2018-2020.

The eNews highlights a number of interesting ideas and proposals that were presented for ways the MSRC could invest in programs that will help reduce emissions from mobile sources and clean our air. The complete June e-news is available here:
Reminder: The deadline to apply for the Local Government Partnership Program is just around the corner – August 2. Local agencies, be sure not to miss out on this opportunity for your set-aside share of Clean Transportation Funding to invest in projects like light-duty zero emission vehicle purchase or leases; medium- and heavy-duty zero emission vehicle purchases; near-zero emission heavy-duty alternative fuel vehicle purchases and repowers; electric vehicle charging infrastructure installation; and alternative fuel infrastructure construction or expansion; and for smaller cities, certain eligible transportation demand management and alternative transportation projects. More information is available here:
There is always something exciting happening with the MSRC, so be sure to stay in the know by subscribing to the e-news or checking back to the website at