For the second consecutive year, the MSRC is a proud supporter of California Clean Air Day, taking place on Wednesday, October 6th.
A project of the Coalition for Clean Air, California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action to improve our community health. By joining together for a unified day of action we can create new habits to clear the air for all members of California’s diverse communities. Whether it’s an individual, business, government agency or nonprofit organization, there are things we all can do to improve air quality and protect public health, such as taking public transit, biking or walking to work, or carpooling.

The MSRC has been working to make every day clean air day in Southern California for the past thirty years by investing more than $450 million in air pollution reduction programs since 1990. The MSRC pledges to continue to prioritize investments in clean transportation solutions that will benefit the millions of people who suffer from some of the poorest air quality in the country.
Click here to learn more about how you can support California Clean Air Day.