The MSRC Is Seeking ZE Truck Infrastructure Projects and Partners in the East LA-Long Beach Corridor

Are you interested in potentially partnering with the MSRC and LA Metro on an innovative project for charging or hydrogen refueling stations to serve trucks along the Long Beach to East Los Angeles Trade Corridor? The MSRC wants to hear from you through its newly published Request for Information (RFI).

The MSRC and LA Metro are seeking potential project partners to pursue Trade Corridor Enhancement Program – Cycle 4 (TCEP) funding from the California Transportation Commission for zero-emission infrastructure along the Long Beach to East Los Angeles (LB-ELA) Trade Corridor. This area encompasses the 710 Freeway and 23 surrounding communities (see photo).

You are encouraged to submit a response to the RFI if you are a business entity, or public or private agency who owns land parcels or operates facilities or land parcels located within the LB-ELA Trade Corridor and have a stake in the transition of goods movement trucks to zero-emissions. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Property owners interested in working with the MSRC and LA Metro to pursue TCEP funding for the purpose of constructing battery electric truck charging or H2 refueling infrastructure on their property
  • Zero-emission-related business enterprises
  • Engineering, architecture, construction, and infrastructure development firms
  • Agencies seeking to leverage their available zero-emission infrastructure funding

Submissions are due by October 7.

For specific information about how to submit your information package, please see the RFI at the MSRC’s Clean Transportation Funding website at