The seasoned leadership team for the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) will continue for the year ahead. The MSRC members re-elected Larry McCallon, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Highland, to serve for a seventh consecutive year as Chair of the Committee. Larry has been a member of the MSRC since 2013 representing the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, and previously served for four terms as the MSRC’s Vice Chair. Larry has been on the Highland City Council since 2002 and represents the Cities of San Bernardino County on the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). He is a Past President of the Southern California Association of Governments and currently represents the South Coast AQMD on its Regional Council.

“I am excited to continue leading the MSRC as we develop our new Work Program targeting emissions from heavy-duty vehicles,” Larry remarked. “We look forward to directing the MSRC’s Clean Transportation Funding to innovative zero-emission transportation projects to help our local project partners with their clean air goals, while improving air quality for residents in the South Coast Air Basin.”
Brian Berkson, Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Jurupa Valley, was elected to serve for a fifth term as Vice Chair. Brian represents the Riverside County Transportation Commission, where he serves as Chair for both the Western Riverside County Programs and Projects Committee and the Toll Policy and Operations Committee.
Congratulations to Larry and Brian on another year as a strong leadership team for the MSRC!