Clean Air Roadmap - June, 2019
While newly appointed to the MSRC as the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) representative, Brian Berkson is hardly new to the MSRC. Previously Brian served as an alternate MSRC member where he was a vocal advocate for investments in local and regional clean transportation funding initiatives that will help improve the most polluted air in the nation which, sadly, can still be found throughout the Inland Empire.
The City of Pomona is making bicycling safer and faster for the community thanks to a new bicycle detection system recently installed along one of the city’s major thoroughfares. The City upgraded its traffic system with the newest video technology. When a bicyclist is present at an intersection, the system detects the bicyclist and triggers the signal helping to maintain the traffic flow.
The City of Signal Hill now has its first publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, thanks to Clean Transportation Funding from the MSRC. The City recently installed two Level 2 dual-port ChargePoint EV charging stations in the upper level parking lot of the Civic Center, located at 1919 East Hill Street. The stations can charge four vehicles at a time.