On October 23, the MSRC and the MSRC-Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) held a joint Retreat to set the stage for the development of the 2018-2020 Work Program. The goals of the Retreat were to focus on lessons learned from past MSRC programs, highlight opportunities for partnerships at the local and state level, and discuss ways to make MSRC’s programs as impactful and cost effective as possible in order to continue to reduce emissions from motor vehicles.
For the most recent funding cycle, the MSRC revamped its former Local Government Match Program into the Local Government Partnership Program to encourage more agencies to partner with the MSRC on clean transportation projects – and it was a success! 110 of the 162 jurisdictions eligible to participate received funding – an impressive participation rate of 68%.
This fall, California Attorney General Xavier Bacerra, California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols and CalEPA Secretary Matthew Rodriguez were joined by more than 130 doctors, health advocates, and air quality policymakers - including South Coast AQMD’s Executive Officer Wayne Nastri - to testify in opposition to the proposed clean cars rollback by the federal government.