The MSRC recently welcomed Larry McCallon as its newest member representing the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG). McCallon currently serves as the Mayor of the City of Highland and he is a Past President of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and currently represents the City of Highland and the City of San Bernardino on its Regional Council. He is also the Immediate Past President of SANBAG and a SANBAG alternate representative on the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) Board. McCallon also served in the United States Air Force for 21 years and was awarded the Bronze Star
On February 2nd, The Fullerton City Council held Clean Energy Day, a celebration for the public to mark the official grand opening of a new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Center. The city received $400,000 in Clean Transportation Funding from the MSRC for the original installation of the station in addition to $50,000 for two heavy-duty natural gas vehicles. The city also received nearly $110,000 towards the purchase of two Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) street sweepers and the retrofit of seven vehicles with diesel emission control systems.
The City of Santa Ana was awarded two Clean Transportation Funding grants: one in the amount of $262,500 to help finance three alternative fuel infrastructure-related projects, and another award of $265,000 for vehicle purchases and retrofits. The funding was made possible by the MSRC’s Local Government Match Program, which offers incentives to cities and counties that undertake projects to reduce emissions from mobile sources.